5 Methods To Cope With Infidelity In A Relationship

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Infidelity is one of the main reasons married or unmarried couples break up. So much so, in fact, that TED Talks statistics show that 20 to 40 percent of straight married men and 20 to 25 percent of straight married women will have an extramarital affair during their lifetime! While some relationships still stand the test of time, some crumble.

Here are ways you can combat infidelity in a relationship:

Make sure there is honesty
Make sure you are honest
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It is extremely important to be honest about the problem. You or your partner need to know why this happened. At this point in the discussion, it always helps to be brutally honest, no matter how harsh it sounds or feels. A well-explained conclusion can help the partner identify and consider the situation before a decision can be made.

Cut off contacts
Cut off contacts
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If you sincerely want to re-establish and re-establish your connections, make sure that they are not in any way connected with the person. It is important as it paves the way for you to regain the partner’s trust. Maintaining contact with the person can reintroduce insecurities and trust problems that can only make a delicate situation worse.

Find out the intent
Get to know the intent
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What drives a person to cheat? Why does it matter? These are some basic questions to ask yourself and your partner. Whatever the approach, the motive is important. To fix anything that is going downhill, you need to find the root of the problem first. While there is no justification for this, try to understand what made your partner cheat – give him / her a kind ear as you listen to their reasons, then make a decision.

Take part in counseling sessions
Take part in counseling sessions
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When the two of you have decided to give your relationship another chance, counseling would be a good place to start. However, when the conversations are getting nowhere and you are constantly in a difficult situation; Feel free to visit a therapist. A therapist’s ability to remain neutral, express their opinions, and identify the underlying emotional causes can speed up your healing process.

Walk away
Walk away
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Dealing with infidelity can be daunting and emotionally stressful. If you are unable to endure emotional stress, insecurities, or trust issues, then it is perfectly fine to leave the relationship. In the end, choose what brings you peace and happiness. A bad experience doesn’t define your future relationships.

also read: 5 Ways To Rebuild A Broken Relationship

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