Birmingham Police Division: Crucial Lacking Individual Investigation

Birmingham Police press release:


Birmingham Police report that detectives are conducting a critical missing person investigation. The Birmingham Police are asking for help from the public to identify the subject in the attached photo.

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The missing person was identified as:

Onelia Soraida Alavez Gonzalez, (26), H / F, from Birmingham, Alabama.

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Onelia Soraida Alavez Gonzalez was last seen by a family member on Saturday, September 4, 2021 at around 7:00 a.m. She was last seen at 1100 block on 14th Avenue South; Sometimes she goes for a walk in the area, but she always comes back.

Her last known clothing description is as follows: white t-shirt and white jeans.

The Birmingham Police Department is investigating this case as a Critical Missing Person Investigation due to the fact that Onelia Soraida Alavez Gonzalez has a mental illness that affects her judgment and behavior.

If there is someone with information on the whereabouts of Onelia Soraida Alavez Gonzalez please contact the Special Victims Section of the Birmingham Police Department at 205-297-8413 or dial 911. For more information about this investigation, please contact Crime Stoppers @ 205-254-7777.

See attached photo of Onelia Soraida Alavez Gonzalez.

Media release 215 – Investigations into critical missing persons


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Birmingham Police Department: Critical Missing Person Investigation

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