Court orders GCC residents to pay alimony to spouse and daughters in Dubai

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Mohammed Yaseen, staff reporter

The Dubai Court of Cassation ordered a GCC national to repay alimony to his wife and children after the Court of First Instance upheld the husband’s claim to remove rent and tuition alimony for his four daughters and the Court of Appeal confirmed this judgement.

The husband alleged in a lawsuit he filed against his ex-wife in the Court of First Instance, seeking the setting aside of her entitlement to receive family court-ordered rent on a house and his children’s college tuition and other expenses.

According to the wife’s attorney, the husband claimed that his ex-wife was not eligible for housing benefit because she owned a home, nor was she entitled to the expenses of two of his daughters as they studied for free in government schools.

In addition, the husband claimed that one of the daughters worked for a government agency and received a monthly salary that matched her needs.

The judgment of the Court of First Instance and the judgment of the Court of Appeal were overturned on the grounds that the wife did not own a house and that she had obtained the house in which she lived through a housing loan from the Mohammed Bin Rashid Housing Establishment and her can at The lawyer pointed out that the institution could be returned if it had not committed itself to paying the prescribed installments.

He also said in an appeal filed with the Court of Cassation that two of the plaintiff’s daughters were determined, who required special care and expenses that exceeded the set amount, and that the other girl worked for a government agency on the basis of a fixed-term contract with a monthly payment Reward of no more than Dhs 10,000.

The Court of Cassation reversed the judgment under appeal and dismissed the husband’s request for a waiver of the ex-wife’s rent for the apartment and his daughters’ monthly expenses.

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