Popular Pakistani actor Feroze Khan has faced allegations of abuse and infidelity from his now ex-wife Aliza Sultan.
It’s worth noting that Khan confirmed their divorce this week. For legal reasons, however, he refrained from commenting on the allegations.
Sultan said: “Our four-year marriage was a complete mess. In addition to continuous physical and psychological violence during this time, I have endured infidelity, blackmail, and humiliation at the hands of my husband. After careful consideration, I have come to the sad conclusion that I cannot spend my entire life in this horrible way.”
“The well-being of my children played an important role in this decision. I don’t want them to grow up in a toxic, unhealthy, violent household. I am afraid that this would have a negative impact on their mental development and outlook on life [a] hostile environment,” Sultan added.
She continued, “No child should ever grow up feeling that violence is a normal part of relationships. I would rather teach them that no wounds are too deep to heal, no scars too ignominious to hide at the expense of their own safety.”
Meanwhile, Khan refused to give details. He said: “As a law-abiding citizen of Pakistan, I have full confidence in the justice of the court. Our divorce was finalized on September 2, 2022, after which I filed a family law case on September 19, 2022 in the Eighth Family Court District, East Karachi, asking for custody and visitation rights to my children, Sultan and Fatima. Today, September 21, 2022, the court heard both parties and allowed me to spend half an hour with my children Sultan and Fatima in his [the judge’s] Present. The court then adjourned the matter until October 1, 2022, when it will resume further proceedings related to visitation rights, which will allow me to continue seeing my children. As for my ex-wife, I will express my respect and support to her as she is the mother of my children. I am afraid I am unable to discuss this matter further as the case is pending before the court.”
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