Infidelity appears to be frequent amongst birds

In his book The Sibley Guide to Birds and Behavior, ornithologist David Sibley says that sexual loyalty “appears to be the exception rather than the rule among birds.”

Why do birds cheat — or engage in what scientists call “extra pair copulation (EMC)”? Researchers have suggested that female birds seek sexual dalliance with other males due to a natural urge to produce the best possible offspring. A male, on the other hand, may try to mate with other females to spread his genes as widely as possible.

IN THE SKY: From Tellus Science Museum astronomer David Dundee: The moon, new this weekend, will be a thin crescent by Monday night. Four planets are now visible: Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, all deep in the east a few hours before sunrise. Mars will appear near Saturn before sunrise on Monday.

Charles Seabrook can be reached at

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