Infidelity drives wedge between man and God – CAJ Information Africa

Many people do not really love Jehovah God but pretend to worship him just because they desperately want something.

These desires include money, healing, blessings, marriage, children, success (prosperity), power, and long life.

Just anything that would make her happy … what people want.

As soon as they have received everything they wanted from Jehovah, they all immediately disappear.

They leave him or purposely isolate themselves from the sovereign Lord.

This attitude is more widespread than ever and is precisely what separates Jehovah from human beings.

People are unaware of the fact that Jehovah well knows people’s intentions and the thoughts of their hearts.

Genesis 6: 5 of New living translation reads: “The Lord observed the extent of human wickedness on earth, and saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistent and utterly evil.”

Brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, I encourage you to truly love Jehovah, to do so with all your heart, rather than feigning love or relationship.

Deuteronomy 6: 5 of New King James Version commands: “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might,” while Matthew 22:37 of the New Living Translation agrees: “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart , all your soul and all your mind. “

Even in a relationship like that between a man and a woman, intimacy ends prematurely because one partner chose to be intolerant, disrespectful, cheat on, or frustrate the other after getting what he wanted.

It has been observed how individuals secretly, discreetly, or conspiratorially enter into a relationship with other ulterior motives driven by hidden agendas.

When their problems are resolved, these people forget that their partner saved them from their troubles or misfortunes.

After being helped, people tend to run away from their savior.

They then return to the same enemies or partners who would have left them or caused pain during their time of need.

That’s how stupid and deceitful people can be. Therefore, most people today do not want to obey Jehovah’s laws, but prefer the deceiver who is the devil.

People do this at the expense of their Creator.

A good example is when Jesus healed the ten lepers, a majority who had been excluded from the community because of their health.

Amusingly, after so many years of leprosy when Jesus finally healed them, they all ran away and vanished with great joy.

Only one returned to thank Jesus Christ. The rest didn’t bother.

Luke 17:17 of New international version quotes Jesus with the question: “Weren’t all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? “

That is exactly what the majority of people do today.

Almighty Jehovah saved people from social crises and sins, but by nature people always forsake God and quickly show true colors of attraction to evil.

I don’t know why people love things that destroy, hurt, or hurt them while they run away from good things that our Heavenly Father – Jehovah God – created.

For example, take a closer look at the miracles of Jesus Christ that characterized His ministry in changing the lives of people on earth.

Although I personally do not know exactly how many miracles Jesus performed during his life and earthly ministry, in this case I would like to focus on the most important ones that are documented in the Bible.

This includes raising Lazarus from the dead, feeding 5,000 starving people, converting water into wine at the wedding of poor Benjamin in Cana, and healing the son of the nobleman who was near death in Capernaum.

There is also the healing of a demon in the synagogue in Capernaum, the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law from a high fever, the healing of many, and the casting out of demons at sunset.

Jesus also gave the disciples a wonderful catch of fish while he was in the boat with them, healed the paralyzed servant of the centurion in Capernaum, healed a paralyzed man (disappointed by the roof), and healed the high priest whose ear Peter severed.

Jesus also healed a withered hand in the synagogue on the Sabbath. He raised the widow’s son in Nain, calmed a storm, cast out a legion of demons, healed a woman with blood problems, raised Jairus’ daughter, healed two blind men, healed a dumb demon, and healed a crippled man by the Pool of Bethesda.

He healed many, walked on the water and calmed a storm. Jesus healed many who were sick in Gennesaret and healed the demon possessed daughter of a woman in
Canaan healed a deaf and dumb man, healed a man who was born blind (by putting clay on his eyes).

He forgave sins.

Still, people would prefer that Barabbas, the toughest criminal of his generation, live while Jesus is crucified for sins he did not commit.

All the beneficiaries of the miracles of Jesus objected when the moment of Jesus’ crucifixion arrived.

This shows that people only love you or get closer to you when they are desperately looking for something.

Matthew 27:17 of International standard version reads: “When the people had gathered, Pilate (Governor of Rome) asked them:” Which man should I release for you – Barabbas or Jesus, who is called ‘the Messiah’? “

Furthermore Matthew 27:22 of Standard Christian BiblePilate asks the crowd again: “Then what should I do with Jesus, who is called Christ?” They all replied: “Crucify him!”

That’s amazing! Pilate is even shocked at the reaction.

He asked again later Matthew 27:23 of New international version: “Why? What crime has he (Jesus Christ) committed?” Asked Pilate. But they shouted all the louder: “Crucify him!”

Is that the kind of love people pay off with?

Verily this is not real love. It’s fake, unreal, and a fantasized type of relationship that reveals this True Gospel.

When you examine closely why Jehovah sent Jesus Christ to earth, you will surely see that our Heavenly Father’s purpose was so good that Jehovah wanted Jesus Christ to save the world from doom.

John 3: 16-17 of Berean Study Bible it says: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. “

In conclusion, I would like to urge those who find themselves in intimacy or in any kind of love to refrain from two-timing, double crossing, back stabbing, infidelity, betrayal, betrayal, and dishonesty.

When you think you have followed Jesus Christ, stop dating the devil.

It is impossible to serve two masters at the same time.

Matthew 6:24 of New international version agree to that True gospel: “Nobody can serve two masters. Either you will hate one and love the other, or you will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money. “

Brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, those who believe in this true gospel say amen!

Feedback:, TWITTER, @SaviousKwinika, FACEBOOK, Savious-Parker Kwinika, INSTAGRAM: Savious_Parker_Kwinika.

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