Is there a distinction between alimony and little one assist?

When the divorce goes to court and the judge has to decide whether or not child support is appropriate, there are several different factors they evaluate before making their final decision.

In the event of a divorce, one of the spouses usually has to pay maintenance to the other spouse so that the latter can secure themselves financially. This support can be given either as spousal support or alimony. Most people use these terms interchangeably, but they are actually quite different when viewed through the legal lens. Alimony is a series of court-ordered payments made after a divorce while maintaining spousal support to help the spouse survive during the difficult transitional period in their lives.

When the court finds that a person is obligated to pay spousal support, it means that they must make a temporary payment that the spouse must receive during a specified period of time. Sometimes spousal maintenance must also be granted during the marriage. Alimony, on the other hand, is a court-ordered provision and is considered the official condition of a divorce. Before the court determines that a person is required to pay child support, it will assess a number of factors. This includes both spouses’ incomes, how long the marriage lasted, and how much each spouse contributed and sacrificed to the relationship.

Once the decision has been made, the payments must be made consistently and promptly to the other spouse, otherwise there are legal consequences. Individuals can even be arrested for failing to pay their court-appointed alimony.

How exactly is alimony determined in Orlando, Florida?

When the divorce goes to court and the judge has to decide whether or not child support is appropriate, there are several different factors they evaluate before making their final decision.

Photo by Sora Shimazaki from Pexels

The most important factors include the reasons for the divorce, the presence of abuse, adultery and other wrongdoings during the marriage, and the skill and education levels of both spouses. Other factors are:

  • All children together
  • The amount of income, assets, debts and assets of each spouse
  • The quality of life during marriage

Based on the personal data of the individual case, the type of maintenance is decided. There are different forms of maintenance. These include permanent alimony, temporary alimony, lump-sum alimony and bridging alimony. The emotional and financial hardships that people face after a divorce are severe, and those who suffer should know that they don’t have to face it all alone. If their former partner earns more than they do, it’s likely that alimony payments will be mandated to help them put their lives back together.

Anyone going through a divorce who has questions about child support should contact a divorce lawyer as soon as possible.


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