Lacking Birmingham man present in security

UPDATE: The Birmingham Police Department reported Saturday night that Mr Jones was found and is safe. ——– The Birmingham Police Department has issued a critical missing person alert to a 67-year-old man suffering from a mental illness that affects his memory and judgment. James Jones of Birmingham was last seen early Saturday between 5 and 7 a.m. on the 1300 block of 20th Street North. Jones is six feet tall and weighs about 205 pounds. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. Anyone with information on Jones’s whereabouts is urged to call 911 or Crime Stoppers at 205-254-7777. Please share this missing person report on social media! Click here to share on Facebook.

UPDATE: The Birmingham Police Department reported Saturday night that Mr Jones was found and is safe.


Birmingham Police have issued a critical missing person alert for a 67-year-old man suffering from a mental illness that affects his memory and judgment.

James Jones of Birmingham was last seen early Saturday between 5 and 7 a.m. on the 1300 block of 20th Street North. Jones is six feet tall and weighs about 205 pounds. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

Anyone with information on Jones’s whereabouts is urged to call 911 or Crime Stoppers at 205-254-7777.

Please share this missing person report on social media! Click here to share on Facebook.

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