Laura Lentz breaks the silence after her husband’s infidelity and fires

By Jeannie Law, Christian Post reporter | Wednesday May 5, 2021 Carl and Laura Lentz attend Justin Bieber’s wedding in 2019. |

Months after Hillsong Church fired her and her husband after his moral failure and infidelity, Laura Lentz first shared what she has learned about herself during this challenging season.

Lentz took to Instagram for the first time since October on Wednesday to share a photo looking up at several tall palm trees. Famous Pastor Carl Lentz’s wife began her caption by explaining how symbolic the trees are for their current season.

“They are strong, can withstand the greatest storms, they always grow upwards,” she wrote, equating these facts with “freedom, justice, reward, resurrection”.

“I took time out on social media because it wasn’t good for my soul. I blocked and deleted more people and comments than I can count,” she continued.

Lentz and her husband have been the center of headlines following his fraudulent confession last November and being dismissed by the Australia-based international church network.

Attention to her family brought out negativity. And in her post she claimed, “Trolls are cowards, SOME ‘Christians’ are anything but kind, gracious or loving … but that doesn’t stop me from growing up and getting stronger.”

“I’ve learned a lot about myself in the past few months. Now more than ever I know the goodness of God, His grace, forgiveness and strength, ”she continued. “I’ve made true friendships – those who have been with me on the mountain tops are the same who are with me in my darkest valley !!”

Carl Lentz, who ran all Hillsong locations on the east coast of the United States, has been featured frequently as a prominent pastor in the mainstream media. His friends and gathering included A-list stars like Justin and Hailey Bieber, Kevin Durant, Selena Gomez, Kylie Jenner, and others.

He is also credited with the baptism of Justin Bieber in the bathtub of former New York Knicks player Tyson Chandler. After the scandal, Bieber publicly distanced himself from Hillsong, saying he had never been a member of the Church and that his pastor was always Judah Smith of Churchome.

Laura Lentz’s post went on to say, “I will not forget who left us, but I choose to keep my heart free from bitterness and remain grateful for those who stayed and loved us. I don’t want to judge or be judged others. ”

She concluded with a powerful quote about dealing with people with grace.

“One thing a friend told me at the time is, ‘I’d rather be accused of being too gracious to someone because I’m being accused of judging someone too harshly,'” she wrote. “I want to be known as a woman who sees the good in people and who really loves people unconditionally.” She added the hashtags “#youcanonlychangeyou, #lovewins, #growupwards”.

In a statement Hillsong sent to The Christian Post in 2020, Brian Houston, senior pastor of Hillsong Global, revealed that Lentz’s termination was due to “leadership issues and breaches of trust, as well as a recent exposure of moral flaws.”

The Church opened an investigation after further details of his affair with a Muslim designer and actress were released.

The Lentz have been married for 17 years and have three children together.

Carl Lentz admitted the affair in an Instagram post after he was released from Hillsong.

“When you lead out of an empty place, you make decisions that have real ramifications,” he wrote. “I have been unfaithful and accountable in my marriage, the most important relationship in my life. This failure is mine and I alone and I take full responsibility for my actions. ”

Houston, who founded Hillsong in 1983, first announced Lentz’s resignation on November 4th in an email to Hillsong East Coast employees and members.

“I know this will come as a shock to you, but please know that this action was not taken lightly and in the best interests of everyone, including Pastor Carl,” wrote Houston, whose church has locations around the world E-mail.

Houston said how much he and his wife appreciate Lentz, his wife, and all of their work with Hillsong over the past decade.

In his post, Lentz said he and his family had given everything over the years to serve and build Hillsong NYC. But now he will focus on rebuilding his family.

“I am now embarking on a journey of rebuilding trust with my wife Laura and my children, taking time to work on my own life and heal it and seek the help I need,” explained Lentz.

“I am very sorry that I broke the trust of many of the people we loved to serve and understood that hearing and processing this news can be very difficult and confusing. I would have liked to have said that to you personally in my voice because it is owed to you. But I won’t have that opportunity. I pray that you will forgive me and that in time I can live a life where trust will be earned again. “

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