Man breaks key off ignition, cuts tire in custody battle

A man is said to have broken a key in the ignition and slashed the tires of a party he has a custody battle with, leading to his arrest and two charges.

Patrick R. Sullivan, 40, of Washington, was charged with theft of a motor vehicle and criminal damage to the first degree.

Sullivan is being held on a $50,000 bond.

According to the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department, deputies were called to the Washington-area Julie Ann Court area on Jan. 21 over a custody battle.

Ryan left the scene and took a car he didn’t own.

The deputies searched the area but could not locate Sullivan or the vehicle.

An hour later, neighbors reported Sullivan returned to the apartment and damaged the vehicle by slashing the tires.

When the deputies arrived, Sullivan and the group were arguing in the parking lot.

The owner of the vehicle chose to file a complaint against Sullivan, who was arrested and taken to the Franklin County Adult Detention Center.

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