Phrases of infidelity

Suspicion always haunts
The guilty mind.
– – Shakespeare

Today is Valentine’s Day, which means that many women are treated well while others are not … treated well. Some are given gifts and kind words, while others are given empty, hollow words that say a lot but mean nothing but crap. There’s an old Jamaican saying, “tail mout kill tail.” In other words, the cock’s crowing draws attention to itself and makes it easy for the farmer to find it. Most foul for the poultry.

In the same way, the utterances and words of people can turn out to be their downfall, which is made worse by a suspicious mind. Certain words and questions can arouse suspicion, especially when it comes to infidelity.

They say a rose with a different name is just as cute. Well, infidelity by any other name is just as pissed off. Call it what you want – – Infidelity, cheating, adultery, affair, betrayal, duplicity, betrayal, falsehood, cuckold and of course our own Jamaican “bun”.

How do you use the word “bun” in a sentence?

“The man’s wife gave him buns with his best friend, so he divorced her.”

That being said, there are certain words, statements and questions that come up before the act of infidelity and if you are aware or suspicious of how the above quote says you can decipher them.

Words of infidelity, right after these “family feud” responses.

Hi tony,

Obviously, the family feud you were talking about isn’t the kind Steve Harvey hosted on TV. History has shown that some families have been feuding for generations, and if you ask the newest generation what the feud is about, they won’t know. They just know that the other family is against them and needs to be wiped out because it always has been. Fortunately, my family never had a feud. My grandparents died before I was born, and while my aunts and uncles were eccentric, there was never any hatred for one another.


Hey tony

Family feuds, which include domestic violence, make up a large part of the crime statistics of many countries. Here in the United States, when a spouse dies under suspicious circumstances, the cops always suspect the surviving partner first, often rightly. Land, house, money, insurance policies, and other possessions are the motives for most family feuds.


Guilt and conscience can be freebies when it comes to infidelity, and often, if not most, people will think and say things long before they act. The words precede the deed. It can be compared to when a criminal returns to the scene or brags about it and is then caught by the police. Guilt and conscience control him. In the same way, loose lips put strain, but it is often as difficult to hold your tongue out.

Somehow something is buried deep in people’s psyche that makes them speak, pronounce the words before the deed is done, sometimes unintentionally. What if your partner asks you out of the blue, “What would you do if I hypothetically cheated on you?”

Hypothetical, hypothetical? That means he or she is definitely thinking about it, otherwise the words wouldn’t come out of their mouth. They just feel you outside and test the water to see your reaction. So take it seriously, for that’s how a man thinks, that’s how he does it, and the seed is sown.

Then if someone asked you, “So Norman, where is your wife?” And your words were, “I have no idea where she is,” then you know this guy is most likely having thoughts or infidelity. Obviously, he doesn’t care about his wife’s whereabouts and utters appropriate words. He has better things to do with his time, such as infidelity.

When you stop making calls and texting, it is usually a signal that these unsent words mean infidelity. When he said, “I’m so sorry I didn’t call or text you, I’ve been so busy all day.” Hmmm, he wasn’t that busy looking at you. These are words that precede infidelity. After all, it only takes 30 seconds to call or text and I am sure that if you check the phone you will see texts for someone else.

This is why phones are so jealously guarded because the words they contain can be so distressing. Some people jump over tables, bum-flick, Kinpoopalik, and do some netball moves to keep their phones away from their spouses. Phones contain so many words of infidelity.

If, during a conversation about another couple’s infidelity, your partner says, “Cho, that wasn’t a cheating, that wasn’t a big deal,” it is a sign that your partner may be doing the same.

“Honey, can you believe Sharon’s husband was seen walking into a hotel with another woman?”

“Cho, that doesn’t mean anything, that doesn’t cheat.”

These words, which justify the other man’s actions, mitigate his actions and give your partner permission to do the same. If he does the same, it is not considered infidelity.

“Cho, a nuh crazy dat, could be anything.”

If the grilling starts with the time factor, these are words of infidelity.

“Tell me exactly what day and what time you will come back from this trip?” Oh oh, if she asks you to give her the exact flight schedule, you can be sure that she is up to something. If you know how many men got here a day early from traveling and caught their wife in the act, you would be surprised. Those who ask for words and phrases should arouse suspicion.

You would also be surprised at the reaction of some women when caught in the act.

“What a liar you are telling me you come back on Tuesday but show up on Monday instead.”

But in the actual sex department, words can be a killer.

“Hey, let’s try some new positions tonight.” OH MY GOD! If your wife tells you these words, you can make your cheese go with the bun she is giving you.

Imagine, after all the positions you’ve done with her, from missionary to circus acrobat to Olympic gymnast, does she want to experiment with more now? That’s because she has a new instructor, a new trainer who has more boxes of tricks than you can muster. Your words are an indication of infidelity.

But it is when some words are thrown in your face and splash over your body with an acidic force that you need to pay attention. Words like, “I knew you were unfaithful to me.”

“Say what, where does that come from?”

It comes from the depths of infidelity, and as we should all know, the best form of defense is attack.

If he’s the one who was unfaithful, he just turns the tables and accuses her of doing exactly what he did. This puts her on defense mode, focuses on her, and takes the heat away from him. He may think it’s wise, but sometimes words hit him back when she thinks, “Okay, since you accuse me of doing it, I could do it too.”

They say we should make our words soft and sweet because one day we might have to eat them. That being said, sometimes even a word can indicate infidelity, such as the word “out”.

“So where are you going tonight baby?”


“Where are you from?”


A simple three letter word that speaks volumes in the encyclopedia of infidelity.

Out means so much. It means minding your own business. I don’t want you to know I can do what I want. ‘Out’ is a simple word that calls out infidelity. But when it comes to the phone, the words of infidelity come out.

“I always go to the bathroom with my cell phone.” These seemingly innocuous little words say so much about a person’s infidelity.

If your wife takes her phone in the shower or toilet and then insists that it is the norm, then you are afraid, you are very afraid. But worst of all are the words, “I’m connecting with my ex tonight, so don’t wait for me.” Oh what a fatal blow these words can strike in the battle of infidelity.

Be very careful what you say my friends because words can be deadly and they can incriminate themselves too. Unless, of course, you want your partner to find out about your infidelity. If not, your best bet is to shut up. That way the tail won’t kill the tail and the cat won’t get your tongue.

More time.

Footnote: This Covid-19 thing affects us in a number of different ways, one of which is our social wellbeing. I miss Gong in the cinema at Carib Cinema, a place I have been going to regularly since I was a child. You stick to the protocols, but the movie experience has certainly changed. I long for the days when everything is back to normal. When I saw Ms. Graham of Palace Amusement talking about her struggles on television, it broke my heart.

Help! The columnist from Dr. Laura Tanna for The Gleaner wrote an almost full-page article about me many years ago that I can’t find. I have asked The Gleaner archives to access it to no avail. Dr. Tanna, if you are reading this, please find this article and contact me or let me know the date of its publication and I will do another search.

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