Pune, May 9, 2023: In an unusual turn of events, a highly educated Pune woman has been ordered by a court to pay her husband a sum of Rs 50,000 in permanent alimony. The couple, who wed in 2018, have faced ideological differences and have been living apart for some time. The court also approved the divorce of both parties.
The 33-year-old woman has an M.Tech degree while her 38-year-old husband has a B.Tech degree. The husband applied for maintenance in March 2022, followed shortly afterwards by the wife. However, it later turned out in court that the documents submitted by the wife were forged and misleading.
The case was heard by Pune civil judge SV Phulbandhe and the court ruled that the wife should pay Rs 50,000 as permanent maintenance to the husband. The court case concluded that the woman’s allegations were untrue and that her documents were forged.
This ruling has sparked debate about gender roles and alimony in divorce cases. While it is common for husbands to pay alimony to their wives, this judgment is a rare case of a woman being ordered to pay alimony to her husband. The case also highlights the importance of transparency in court proceedings and the consequences of producing fraudulent documents.
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