Pune Family Court orders girl to pay her 83-year-old husband Rs 25,000 a month in alimony – Punekar News

Pune, June 24th, 2022: As a result of ongoing family disputes, one may have heard of many cases where a husband pays alimony to his wife for her daily needs. However, in a lawsuit filed by a couple, the court has ordered the 78-year-old wife to pay her 83-year-old husband provisional alimony of Rs 25,000 a month. They filed for divorce in 2019 after 55 years of marriage.

Judge Raghavendra Aradhye of the Family Court announced the verdict. This is the first case in the state in which such a large amount of child support has been ordered from the husband’s side, attorney Vaishali Chandane said.

The 83-year-old petitioner, who is seeking divorce and alimony, is the director of an educational institution. His 78-year-old wife is the organization’s president. Ashok and Lata (both names have been changed) married in 1964. They have two married daughters.

He has also been repeatedly harassed by Lata in recent years for leaving the institution and his home.

When Lata became seriously ill, Ashok took good care of her. Her illness was completely cured. He was also molested by his wife. She forbade him to eat at home. The applicant suffers from diabetes and heart disease. He needs to take food and medicines on time. Despite the circumstances, he was not cared for by his wife, his petition said.

Fed up with his wife’s harassment, Ashok eventually filed for divorce. The two have also accused each other of having an extramarital affair.

“If the husband has no source of income and his wife has an income and there are ongoing family disputes between them, the husband may also make a claim for maintenance under Section 24 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. This case proves that not only the woman, but also the unjust men get justice,” informed Adv. Vaishali Channe, the petitioner’s attorney.

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