Shipping protocols: ICSO, GPD, CPD | police and fire brigade

Vehicle vs. phone cord Hwy 95 MP 192.5/report taken; Medical Old Pollock Rd; Slide off Highway 95 MP 176; Slippery Roads Hwy 95 MP 252/passed to ITD; Traffic Offense Hwy 95 MP 241/Unable to Locate;

Threat to Highway 13 MP 24/No Report; Suspicious male Stites area/unlocatable; Abandoned Vehicle Glenwood Rd & Adams Grade Rd/Vehicle Removed; Intrusion Hwy 12 MP 69/report taken; Slippery Roads Hwy 162 MP 14-19/Transferred to ITD;

Property found W Main St;

Broken road sign Jentges Rd & Wensman Rd/Transferred to Greencreek Highway District; view of the medicinal meadow Ln; Fish & Game Issue Rapid View Rd/Transferred to FG; Vehicle Theft Old Hwy 95/No Report; Fire Hwy 95 MP 192/Controlled Burn; Suicide threat Old White Bird Hill Rd/report incorporated;

Medical B Fir Rd; Suspicious Vehicle Woodland Rd/No Report; Loose Cows Hwy 12 MP 72/No Report; Disabled Vehicle Hwy 12 MP 72.5/No Report; Agency Assist Area Kooskia/No Report; Trespassing East St/No Report; Theft Hwy 13 MP 13/No Report;

Supply Problem N State St;

Vehicle theft Hwy 95 MP 241 / Led to arrest of 32-year-old Orofino woman for grand larceny and burglary; Agency Assist Hwy 95 MP 261/No Report;

Mental health problems Thenon St/No Report; Harassment Liberty Ln/No Report; Vandalism Hwy 13 MP 17/No Report; domestic dispute Pine Rd/No Report; Suspicious Vehicle Lukes Gulch Rd & Cottonwood Creek Rd/Unable to Locate; Juvenile Problem Main Street Stites/Unlocatable;

Parking problem South C St; Parking Problem W Main St & N College; citizens support S Meadow St; Reckless Driving Cunningham St; Trespassing North D St;

Alcohol offenses Front Street;

Dead deer on roadway Hwy 95 MP 182/Handed to ITD; Child Abuse Diamond Springs Rd/No Report – Civil Case; Suspicious Package Cheyenne Dr/No Report; 911 Hang Up N Main St & Cherry Ln/Phone problem, not an emergency; Missing Person Day Rd/No Report; Reckless Driving Lambs Grade & Reservation Line Rd/Result of a subpoena issued to a 32-year-old Ohio man for disobeying a traffic control device and text while driving; Vin Inspection Greencreek Rd/No Report; Vehicle taken against Deer Hwy 95 MP 188/report;

Injured Deer Esther Spur Rd/No Report; Vandalism N Front St/No Report; Citizen Assist Woodland Rd/No Report; Dog running loose Glenwood Rd/unfounded; Disabled Vehicle Hwy 162 MP 15.5/Transferred to ISP; Theft Valley View Subdivision/transferred to Nez Perce Tribal Police; Harassment Liberty Ln/No Report; Citizen Assist Battle Ridge Rd/No Report; Medical N Front Rd; Smoke Alarm Spruce Rd/No Report; Small Avalanche Blocks Lane Hwy 12 MP 113/transferred to ITD;

Vandalism East North 2nd St; Medical N Mill St.;

Slide Off Elk Haven Cr & Grouse Ln/No Report; Loose Cow Hwy 95 MP 192.5/Owner reinserted the cow; Drugs W Main St/led to arrest of 30-year-old Spokane woman for possession of methamphetamine; Fish & Game Issue Hwy 14/Transferred to Fish and Game; Threat Old White Bird Hill Rd/No Report – Civil Matter;

Medical Kidder Ridge Rd; Trespassing B Fir Rd/No Report; Domestic Dispute Glenwood Rd/No Report; Suspicious Vehicle Moose Creek Area/Handed Over to FS Law Enforcement; Citizen Dispute Fall Ave/No Report; Vandalized Woodland Rd/handed over to Nez Perce Tribal Police; civil dispute Dike St/No Report; Medical Mulledy Rd; Hay Bales on Hwy 12 MP 70/Passed to ITD; Medical Highway 12 MP 142; Harassment Hwy 12 MP 72/No Report;

ambulance to Lewiston;

ambulance to Lewiston; ambulance to Lewiston;

Injured Deer Hwy 13 MP 4/Unable to locate; Slide Off Hwy 95 MP 174/Transferred to ISP; Suspicious Vehicle Old Hwy 95/No Report; Citizen Assist Hwy 95 MP 241/No Report; field fire Deer Creek Rd;

Citizen Assist Indian Church Rd / Led to arrest of 64-year-old Craigmont man for DUI, also cited for Backup Lights, Driving Left of Center and Fail to Stop at Driveway; Domestic Dispute Glenwood Rd/Report Incorporated; Suspect Man Hwy 12 MP 68/Moved to Lewis County; Medical Glenwood Rd; Suspicious Vehicle Amber Ave/Unable to Locate;

Abandoned vehicle parking street;

Medical Transfer Grangeville Airport; Cottonwood Airport Medical Transfer; domestic dispute Foster Ave;

Harassment Purdy Rd/No Report; Disabled Vehicle Hwy 95 & Tolo Lake Rd/No Report; Domestic dispute Mt. Idaho Grade Rd/ led to arrest of 54-year-old Grangeville man for domestic crimes; Welfare Audit Old White Bird Hill Rd/No Report; Drugs Hwy 95 MP 247/Result of a subpoena issued to a 64-year-old Oregon man for speeding, lack of proof of insurance, possession of marijuana and possession of paraphernalia; Fire Old Hwy 7 & Reservation Line Rd; Medical Main Street Riggins; civil dispute S Main St/No Report;

Death Woodland Rd/Review Taken; Citizen Assist Hwy 12 MP 74/No Report; vehicle fire Lukes Gulch Rd & Bridge St; Fire Flying Elk Drive; North Medical Fore Street; Agency Assist Kamiah Area/Location not possible; 911 Hangup Mill Rd;

Medical N Idaho Ave; Vandalism N College St;

Medical transfer to Coeur d’Alene.

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