SHOULD I INCLUDE SPRING BREAK IN MY CHILD CARE? – Authorized Custody Authorized Blogs Posted by Gerard F. Miles
The spring break is an opportunity to spend a few days or take a special trip. The situation can be complicated for divorced parents with children as arrangements need to be made in advance. Vacation can be an important aspect of a parent’s life and should then be included in custody negotiations to ensure there are no problems in the future. There might be vacations that are more important to one parent than another, or both may be interested in the same thing. It is important that both parents are open and flexible with each other about their plans.
Spring break can be important for a family member as it is the time of year they take a particular trip, e.g. B. a family visit or a visit to a certain place. It could be a long tradition that you want to move on with your child. If vacation is important, it is best to include it on a custody contract.
If no prior agreement is made, it could lead to complications in the future. The arrangement could be for the child to spend half a week with one parent before moving on to the next. If either parent plans to go away for a full week, the arrangement may not work for the schedule. Planning in advance will reduce possible complications.
What are Spring Break Solutions?
There are instances when both parents have an interest in spending time with their children during the week off, and the spring break is the best opportunity to do so. In this case, they need to work together to find an acceptable solution. There are four ways to keep everyone happy:
Split the broken spring in half. This is the least complicated solution. One parent has custody of the first half of the break and the other has custody of the second half. This ensures that both sides have the same amount of time. The problem is, it could make traveling more difficult.
Alternative spring break. In this scenario, the parents change custody every year for the spring break. One parent will have custody in the even years and the other in the odd years. This allows the child to go on trips with the parent who has custody for a week.
Take another week. If a parent doesn’t want to wait a full year for that week, they might plan to move to another week or holiday, such as a holiday. B. summer vacation to have. One parent would have custody of the spring break and the other parent would have the child the other week.
Incorporate the spring break into the vacation schedule. Not all families view the spring break alike. It can only be one more week for them, and they see no reason to treat the spring break any differently than other holidays.
It is important that parents remain flexible and open to communication. Neither scenario needs to be permanent and could alternate if a special event were to happen during the spring break or if a parent’s plans change. Both sides working together make for a more enjoyable experience.
Is it against my custody agreement if I take my child out of the state?
Depending on the language included in a custody agreement, there should be no problem with a parent trying to get a child out of the state. Communication is a key element in this. The parent planning to travel should inform the other parent in good time so that they can raise their concerns about the upcoming trip. Even if travel outside the state is permitted under the custody contract, the lines of communication should always remain open.
When traveling, the parent should allow time for the child to contact the other parent to maintain that connection even though they are separated. The traveling parent should also plan a trip on days that may be special to their ex-spouse, e.g. B. the birthday of a close relative or another event.
How important is it to keep the custody agreement?
Regardless of the oral or written agreement the parents have made regarding the spring break, they should not violate the custody agreement. This could have serious consequences for that parent and have indirect negative consequences for the child. Maryland has specific consequences for one parent who refuses to return a child under the age of 16 to the other parent.
If a violation occurs, it is the responsibility of the parent concerned to return the child as soon as possible. If the parent stays in the state, the incident is classified as a misdemeanor. Parents could face a $ 25 fine or up to 30 days in jail. If the parent takes the child out of the state, the courts will classify the incident as a criminal offense, increasing the penalties. The abducted parent could face a fine of up to $ 1,000 and a prison term of up to a year.
What should I tell my ex-spouse about my trip?
The more communication there is, the better it is whenever a parent decides to travel with a child. By providing details, the other parent will be well informed about where their child is and what they are doing. Some of the details one traveling parent should share with the other include:
The activities they will participate in while they are away.
When will they leave and when will they return.
The transportation method for travel.
Where they will be, including address and contact information.
When you travel alone or with someone.
When both sides work together, all parties ultimately benefit. The parents must take into account both the other’s schedule and the child’s schedule. The cooperation and openness enables a smooth process and ensures that everyone can enjoy their spring break. If changes are needed after the divorce, an attorney can help.
Baltimore custody attorneys at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC help integrate travel plans into custody agreements
If you’re struggling to work with your ex-spouse to include your travel plans on your custody agreement, a Baltimore custody attorney at Huesman, Jones & Miles, LLC can help. We have years of experience representing clients in divorce settlements and will represent you in negotiations with your ex-spouse. Call us at 443-589-0150 or contact us online for a free consultation. Based in Hunt Valley and Towson, Maryland, we serve customers across Baltimore, Baltimore County, Bel Air, Bentley Springs, Colombia, Freeland, Hereford, Hampton, Westminster, Essex, Monkton, Sparks Glencoe, Parkton, Phoenix, Pikesville and White Hall. Carroll County, Harford County, and Howard County.
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