Skilled household legislation attorneys clarify baby custody in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Child custody is complicated during divorce proceedings, but spending time with children should not be compromised for either the parents or the children.

Child custody is a serious, life changing event, and it is imperative to hire a skilled Florida child custody attorney at Curtis R. Cowan PA who knows how to achieve the best possible outcome for all family members after a divorce . Children can be left behind and suffer the consequences of unstable living conditions during and after a divorce in Florida if custody is not managed.

Florida split parenting

When parents get divorced in the state of Florida, they must decide individually when and how the children will have time to spend with each parent. The level of emotions associated with custody disputes is enormous and the final solution will affect the future relationship with the children for each parent and the stability of the children by changing their:

  • Habitat),
  • daily routine,
  • emotional health,
  • Education,
  • Vacation plans and
  • extracurricular activities.

Parental visit – a schedule set in advance when joint custody is agreed and ordered by the court.

Children of divorce will have to learn more often to deal with different situations in which they will have different outcomes compared to the constants presented to them in a previous two-parent household.

Florida Law

Florida law does not give preference to either parent as they share parental responsibility for the children unless there is a concern about harm to the children that causes the courts to rule otherwise. Florida child custody attorneys will work with parents to create a court-approved schedule that reflects a friendly schedule for timeshare sharing between parents so that children have frequent and ongoing contact with both. A parenting and family stabilization course must be attended by both spouses before the divorce can take place, and provides information on the behavior and actions of parents after the divorce, to remind children that as children move on, don’t do bad things about either of the two Parents need to listen with shared parental responsibilities.

Unless parents can agree on an agreed-upon schedule for part-time use, Florida Bylaws 61.13 states that the part-time schedule is determined by the court in the best interests of the children, not one of the parents. Hiring a qualified lawyer will benefit the parties to the divorce as the parents’ emotions may not be in the best interests of “working together” and could end up affecting the children’s livelihoods and relationships between the children and their parents.

Factors to Consider

Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash

Child custody – Child custody is in the best interests of the child, taking into account a variety of factors such as:

  • Child preference if over 13 years old or if an infant or toddler who is more dependent on the mother as the primary care person, taking into account e.g. B. Weaning and toilet training.
  • Parents’ preference if agreed. When parents reach a formal settlement agreement, child sharing becomes part of this document, which sets out times and dates and restrictions on travel outside of a state or country.
  • Mental and physical health of the parties.
  • Child’s community, school and home environment.
  • Parents’ history of violence.
  • Relationship between child and each parent.

Find a family lawyer

Child custody is complicated during divorce proceedings, but spending time with children should not be compromised for either the parents or the children. If the parental schedule is such that one parent is custodial and the other is not, the best way to ensure that the proper paperwork related to residence, alimony, and visit scheduling has been filed for the non-custodial parent is to hire an attorney who has custody experience in family law matters in Fort Lauderdale. Curtis R. Cowan’s law firms can provide detailed information about your custody decisions during and after a divorce proceeding.


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