Spike in custody requests with Covid-19 journey ban

Due to Covid-19, there has been reluctance on the part of one parent who has custody to allow their ex-spouse to visit their child, which has led to custody disputes. (FirstCry Parenting / Pinterest image)

PETALING JAYA: Sisters in Islam (SiS) Telenisa’s free legal service saw an increase in custody requests – up to 52% in 2020 from just 2% in 2019.

This was largely due to parents’ concerns about child custody during the pandemic and the ban on interstate travel, Telenisa said.

Based on the 2020 report, it said the interstate travel ban prevented parents with visiting rights from visiting their children.

“The risk of contracting the Covid-19 virus makes the custodial parent reluctant to allow the other parent to visit.

“Therefore, these situations led to an increase in custody disputes in 2020.”

“Fasakh” (divorce initiated by women) still made up the majority of inquiries at 68% in 2020.

This is still the highest number of divorce requests since 2016.

(“Fasakh” is a divorce method initiated by the wife, especially when the husband refuses to grant the divorce, or “Talak”.)

This means that women are becoming more aware of their rights within their marriage and no longer tolerate marital injustices.

Further inquiries in 2020 concerned inquiries about the right to visit (39%) and about child abduction (9%).

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