Mauro and Wanda Icardi have apparently split up due to the alleged infidelity of the Paris Saint-Germain striker. Find out more about this scandal here.
Offside© Emilio Andreoli / Getty ImagesMauro Icardi (left) and Wanda Nara (right)
Wanda Nara and Mauro Icardi are back on the front pages of the world’s press, and the reason, albeit unofficially, is their breakup! Apparently, according to Argentine media, the couple will definitely break up.
The footballer’s infidelity is the reason for the divorce after Wanda learned that her husband cheated on her with her friend, the Argentine actress Maria Eugenia Suarez. The media noted that in addition to Mauro, Wanda also unfollowed her friend, Argentine actress China Suarez, from her Instagram profile.
Mauro and Wanda have two children from their seven-year marriage. She also has three children from her previous marriage to Icardi’s friend Maxi Lopez, with whom the family has not had any contact since their relationship with Icardi began.
Mauro Icardi cheats on Wanda with her best friend after stealing her from his best friend
Wanda Nara shared an Instagram story with the saying “You destroyed another family for so ***“, But the Argentine TV presenter quickly deleted. This is a new controversy surrounding the Argentine striker that has nothing to do with football. Wanda Nara was known to be the wife of his best friend and soccer player Maxi Lopez, and which he practically “stole”.
The couple dated when Wanda was still married to Lopez. As a result, Mauro and Maxi have broken all contact and when they meet in the field they do not greet each other at all. On her Instagram page “Chismes de Ker” (Ker’s Gossip), the Argentine model and entrepreneur Ker Weinstein, a close friend of the Icardi family, uploaded a screenshot of a text she received from Wanda, which reads: “I broke up”. “I’m with you, Wanda [Nara]”Added Weinstein.
These personal problems could also be the reason for the 28-year-old’s poor form Paris St. Germain Recently, the Argentine has reportedly been given a day off from coach Pochettino after failing to train in Paris on Sunday. As for Wanda Nara, she left Paris with her children over the weekend and returned to the shared apartment in Milan, as can be seen on her Instagram.
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