Your marriage could also be affected by monetary infidelity!

You could leave your partner if you caught him committing adultery … but what would you do if you found out he signed you twice with a hidden checking account? Hiding a credit card or checking account (one with hidden money that will not add to the house payment of future college fund) from your spouse is the most common crime among American couples recently surveyed by Bankrate. They said betrayal was just as painful as adultery. The psychologist Dr. John Huber says he sees couples struggling with this. “The biggest problem there is TRUST. Whether it’s infidelity to finances or infidelity to another person, once you’ve broken that trust, it’s really difficult to get it back.”

Dr. Huber usually recommends that these couples have three checking accounts – one for joint billing and one for each partner. “You [the individual spouse accounts] are private — but they don’t care if the other person sees it because they negotiated with their partner what money goes where. It tends to balance the relationship. ”

The survey found that the older the couple and the longer the relationship, the more common it is, but the lower the level of injury.

Photo: Getty

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